Beating the trigger

Female circumcision is not a commonplace practice in the West so much. Most people don’t really even know what it is.

Female circumcision does take several forms. The form
That happened to me is very common in Africa to small girls. Not infants, kids. The pain at the event is indescribeable. It pretty much takes away any pleasure from sex. It is pain every time you walk or sit down or stand up. It is horrific. I was fortunate, I got mine fixed. Last year. It’s like a whole new world.

I was noodling around tweeting about my hockey team
Going to the Stanley Cup. When across my stream
Comes this message about the horrors of male circumcision. From a group against Genital mutilation.

Male circumcision. Infants. Done all the time, has been done in forever. Whenever the message gets across to me that the two are at all the same thing I lose my shit entirely. When it happened to me it was in context of sexual abuse. I was I think around 9-10. I flash back in the snap of a
Finger. I have always been lost in this pain for days and days and days.

But today I recognized right away that I had been triggered. This was a very familiar feeling but one I’ve lived without for a couple of weeks. So it really stood out.

So. While one part of my head was running away in panic and rage was stomping about, another part o me was saying you know what this is just let it go thru you. Don’t attach to it hon. Just let it be. My compassionate adul woman was singing me a lullaby. Shhh. Petting me on the head. That was gone. It’s over. It’s over it’s over.

I felt these waves of calm wash one after the other, covering me in okay.
