French-nailed Lesbian

I came out to the world as a lesbian in 1976, when I was 16 years old. Had come out to parents and family at five but since I wasn’t all that sexually active before my mid-teens it never really came up.

Back in those days, baby lesbians didn’t really have alot of choice as to gender identification. The only way to get to be around girls in any real, interpersonal way, was thru sports. And certainly it was the only way to get to see them naked. Locker room time was what I was in it for. There was a sort of requirement to be a “tomboy”. To throw and hit various balls in various ways. The better one was at it the more gay one seemed to be.

Frankly, I suck at sporty stuff. But back then it was the only option. So I joined teams. I played softball and golf and rugby and basketball. Well, if one could call me running around trying to not get hit by people or missles really “playing”. But it got me action and so I adapted.

I was fast. As long as I was a le to avoid tripping on my feet my coaches always found a way to use me. Stealing bases and so forth. Hated it.

I went to college in a southern state, where the rules were very different. One could be of three primary camps and you had to decide what you “were” from the get-go. There was Butch (do-er, fix cars, etc). Femme (do-ee, cook and clean the house). And something called ki-ki, where you got to be both a do-er and a do-ee. Which was what I knew and so.

Unfortunately most Southern lesbians of that time despised ki-ki women. You might as well be (gasp! The horror!) bisexual. They didn’t know what to do with it.

Most of the students were from Northern states so the general butchy thing applied. Four more years of sports. However, I found Crew, which is a really tough sport, and built a body like Mortal sin. Which is never a bad thing. And at least no balls or javelins or other projectories were involved so I was pretty safe.

I have been arrested for holding my girlfriend’s hands in public. I have marched in Chicago’s early Pride parades and gotten arrested there, too. I am living breathing example of the history of our poor battered fight for equal rights in America.

As time has marched inexorably forward I have slowly divested myself of my butchy little past. I suppose I am a lipstick lesbian although the times now are such that I no longer even need that label. I live a fairly traditional lifestyle with my butch wife. I’m a do-ee for the most part (except for my birthday and Christmas and when wifey wants to really spoil me for some reason). I am an animal psychologist but it’s really a part-time job to keep me busy. I am definitely the caretaker in my household.

I was recently accused of no being a feminist by a well-intentioned but totally wrong acquaintance. Apparently my French nails are just too much for the woman. Apparently I am supposed to be some amalgamation of male and female, that metrosexual thing that’s so popular nowadays.

Feminism is all about rights to be what one is. It’s about being politically involved in the so basic right to reproductive freedom. It’s abou raising awareness of the plight of women and children in this country. It’s about fighting the held belief that we are somehow inferior to men. In a nutshell, feminism is about fighting all of the subtle and not-so-subtle expressions of misogny that is rampant in our culture.

When I was a kid I didn’t get to clearly express my sexuality. And now, all these years later, after all the inner turmoil I have been thru in finding out who and what I am, I am not about to change. I am a woman who shops at Victoria’s Secret. I do not “look it”. And I do not have to.

Go femmes go!

Sex, Yes. Enough Already!

Sex. Yup. We do it. We get it in any way that we can. In menopause and we are a bitch in heat. But there are several good reasons for this.

The first is that we have gotten what we always assumed was permanent damage to the privates fixed. In a nutshell we have been able to have clitoral orgasms over say the last two months–for the first time in her life. Honestly, how do any of us get anything done at all? I mean, just the mere physical thing of it. My god we honestly had no idea hah.

This is a hugely liberating thing for us mentally and emotionally as well. Our body doesn’t belong to somebody else. Wow what a concept. We never knew it didn’t belong to our plethora of pedophiles. Which is totally cool. Because there’s no overwhelming pain to tune out we’re actually there for it. So of course it would be all over our brains. Because we are not…gone. Amazing. We get to figure ou what we want, fabulous.

Because the nature of our particular story contains mucho bizarre and sadistic shit we learned very early on that “sex” included a gigantic array of specific actions. So when we grew up we never thought of creating boundaries around it. Weren’t there so our attitude was pretty much “sure, why not?”. Nothing in the adult world was new to us, so what the hell? Just a game anyway.

So now we get to actually connect to it, which is a pretty incredible thing. Who knew? Not us.

Of course there are just a ton of issues popping up. The little ones keep stepping in and promptly flipping out. We are learning how to convince them to stay away but it is absolutely irritating when they do not follow the rules. Makes for a busy time sometimes to say the least. The Teenagers are of course totally freaked and they’re hard to see because they are so good at hiding. But we have no patience for them and we’re pretty well able to just push them down temporarily. They kick up quite the sulky aftereffects but frankly we do not care.

We suspect that our sex drive isn’t politely diminishing with age because we just never really had it so much. So it’s not fifty years old. We don’t know how old it is exactly but it’s not our physical age, that’s for sure. Hah.

And really, it’s just the cat’s pajamas as our grandmother used to say. Which is to say what exactly we don’t know but generally that it’s really, really neat-o. We highly recommend it.

The shrink we saw for a dozen years, the evil CBT, used to say well what people did to you had nothing to do with sex. Oh, okay. That’s helpful. She would go on and on and on about consent about how sexual abuse isn’t in any way related to sex. Try telling tha to a seven year old girl who has a high drunken maniac between her legs. Try it yourself then tell us all about how the two things are not connected.

We do have some questions around this whole thing. Most importantly, can a person go blind from excessive masturbation?

Hah, see? Hysterical.